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Understanding Internal Medicine Board Scores and Ways to Improve It

Land your dream job in internal medicine. This guide unveils the secrets to acing the board exam and launching a fulfilling career.

a woman wearing a purple jacket and pearls
By Bev Holland
Caitlin Snethlage
Edited by Caitlin Snethlage

Published June 4, 2024.

A man sitting in front of a laptop computer and writing in a notebook.

You've conquered medical school and residency—congratulations! Now, you're ready to land your dream job. But even the most qualified candidates face a hurdle: a competitive job market.

One way to achieve that edge? Earning your internal medicine board certification. It's challenging, yes, but the rewards are significant. Below, we'll explore why it's important and discover strategies to conquer the exam and achieve your full potential.

Meet the Expert

Bev Holland is a registered nurse trained in the US. She has experience in labor, delivery, and pediatric and neonatal intensive care—all within acute treatment hospitals. Bev has two master's degrees in business administration and nursing.

What Is an Internist?

Internal medicine is a specialized branch of medicine that diagnoses, prevents, and treats adult diseases. Internists, as they are called, are not limited to one specific organ system and can manage a wide range of conditions, from common colds to life-threatening illnesses.

Physicians must pass a rigorous exam to be allowed to practice internal medicine independently. Before taking the test, they must also complete residency training in the field.

Did you know?

People sometimes confuse internists and general practitioners (GPs), but there's a critical distinction. GPs provide primary care for all ages, while internists are adult-focused primary care specialists with deeper expertise in complex adult health issues.

Internal Medicine Board Exams in the US

The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) manages the Internal Medicine Maintenance of Certification Exam, a standardized test guaranteeing a fair assessment through consistent difficulty.

ABIM uses a two-part scoring system:

  1. Your Performance: The organization scores the exam on a scale of 200 to 800. Participants get slightly different versions of the same exam to ensure fairness and comparability. A score of 500 on any version reflects an equivalent level of knowledge.
  2. The Passing Score: This isn't a fixed number. A committee of experts analyzes IRT data to determine it so that it reflects minimal competency for first-time test-takers. They also periodically review it to stay relevant with evolving knowledge and practices.

Note: Item response theory analyzes how test-takers answer questions based on their hidden knowledge and the difficulty of each question. This helps ensure fair tests and passing scores accurately reflect the skills needed.

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What The Board Exam Assesses

The test lasts approximately 10 hours, including breaks. It has 240 multiple-choice questions, with up to 60 per section. To pass, you must have a score of around 64%.

Beyond traditional multiple-choice questions, it also incorporates simulated clinical situations, challenging doctors to apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills to solve real-world medical problems.

Most questions describe patient scenarios and ask about the work done (i.e. tasks performed) by physicians in the course of practice, including:

  • Making a differential diagnosis
  • Ordering and interpreting the results of tests
  • Recommending treatment effective treatment plans or other patient care
  • Assessing risk, determining prognosis, and applying principles from epidemiologic studies
  • Understanding the underlying pathophysiology of disease and basic science knowledge applicable to patient care

The exam uses multimedia, such as patient photos, X-rays, EKGs, and audio recordings of heart or lung sounds, to mirror the complexities of real-world patient care, ensuring physicians are equipped to handle anything that comes their way.

Tip: Medicine is constantly evolving, so commit to ongoing education. Try to develop a system for staying current with medical advancements through journals, conferences, and online resources.

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Are Internal Medicine Board Scores Important?

While the qualification isn't mandatory for general practice, achieving a good score is a key that unlocks doors to career advancement. These physicians have a clear advantage:

  • Leadership Roles: Hospitals and healthcare organizations prioritize board-certified physicians for leadership positions due to their demonstrated expertise and ability to manage complex environments.
  • Admitting Privileges: In many hospitals, admitting patients directly requires doctors to have ABIM certifications. Without these qualifications, a doctor must transfer the patient to a colleague with admitting privileges.
  • Insurance Network Participation: Certain insurers restrict participation to board-certified physicians, potentially impacting a physician's patient base and income.
  • Competitive Landscape: ABIM certification signifies a higher level of qualification and ensures the physician meets national standards. This gives them an advantage when competing for jobs or patients.
  • Career Trajectory: ABIM certification is typically a mandatory requirement to pursue a fellowship program or specialized track in a subspecialty of Internal Medicine, such as cardiology or gastroenterology.
While scoring well offers advantages, the primary focus should be achieving competence for optimal patient care.

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4 Tips Tips to Succeed in Your Exam

Mastering the internal medicine board exams requires a strategic approach that combines dedication, knowledge, and unwavering confidence. Here's how:

1. Structure Your Preparation

  • Target your Approach: Use ABIM's exam blueprint, which outlines the general weighting of content areas in the exam. By understanding the blueprint, you can strategically focus your studying on the most heavily tested areas, maximizing efficiency.
  • Use Active Learning: Actively engage with the material through flashcards, practice questions (timed and untimed), and mnemonics. This boosts retention through spaced repetition, retrieval practice, and self-assessment.
  • Practice Teaching: Explaining a concept aloud forces you to actively process information, identify knowledge gaps, and consider different perspectives. This repetition strengthens memory pathways and reveals areas needing improvement.
  • Boost Resources: Enrol in board prep courses such as ACP MKSAP for structured guidance and practice. Seek mentorship from an experienced physician for exam-specific insights and insider tips. 
  • Build Consistency: Block out dedicated study time daily, factoring in your preferred learning style and personal commitments. 

2. Master Test Taking

  • Read Carefully: Multiple answer choices can be very close in meaning, with only subtle differences. Refrain from jumping at the first seemingly correct answer. Look for slight differences in meaning between the options.
  • Familiarize Question Stems: These are the opening phrases of a question that set the context and what kind of answer is being sought. Learn the difference between terms like define, compare, analyze, and evaluate—these sound similar but require different responses.
  • Recognize Answer Traps: These misleading answer choices appear plausible but ultimately incorrect. These include answers that are too general or specific or with words like "always" or "never."
  • Practice Time Management: Develop strategies to finish the test on time. This might involve noting tough questions to revisit later or using educated guesses when unsure. You can try practicing under timed conditions to get comfortable with your pace.

3. Build Experience

  • Gain Practical Knowledge: Draw upon your residency experiences. Patients present diverse conditions; the exam will test your ability to apply knowledge to real-world scenarios. Review tough cases you encountered and analyze them through the lens of the boards.
  • Broaden Your Horizons: The expanding knowledge base, technology, and focus on patient-centered care are blurring the lines between subspecialties. Stay up to date by familiarizing yourself with rapidly advancing areas like gastroenterology, cardiology, and endocrinology.

4. Optimize Your Wellbeing

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Eat healthy foods, sleep well, and schedule regular exercise breaks. Techniques like Pomodoro let you structure your workday to be more productive, leaving you with more mental and physical energy to take care of yourself.
  • Manage Stress: Feeling overwhelmed is normal. Develop healthy coping mechanisms —research has shown that meditationyoga, or spending time with loved ones. Consider relaxation techniques to manage test anxiety on exam day.
  • Find a Support System: Surround yourself with positive and encouraging people who believe in you. Connect with fellow exam-takers for study sessions or to commiserate and share experiences.

Challenges in an Evolving Landscape

While these internal medicine board exams ensure physician knowledge and skills, several factors can hinder their effectiveness.

Current Challenges

  • International Mobility: Many countries recognize ABIM certification. However, countries like Canada often have licensing requirements, even with board certification. This can create additional hurdles for doctors seeking to practice internationally.
  • Keeping Pace with Change: New medical discoveries, treatments, and practice guidelines emerge constantly. Board exams struggle to keep pace with these rapid advancements, leading to potentially outdated content.
  • Stress and Test Anxiety: Failing the boards can lead to delays in starting practice, potentially impacting future job opportunities and earning potential. Such high stakes can cause significant stress and test anxiety, potentially hindering a physician's ability to perform at their best.

Future Solutions

Efforts are underway to address these challenges and improve the assessment process:

  • Focus on Clinical Reasoning: There's a growing emphasis on testing a physician's ability to apply knowledge to real-world clinical scenarios rather than just rote memorization. This shift prepares physicians for the complexities of actual patient care.
  • Adaptive Testing: This emerging approach personalizes and questions difficulty based on candidate performance, potentially leading to fairer, more efficient assessments. However, creating a system that adapts to difficulty in real time remains a hurdle.
  • Increased Scrutiny: The value of board exams is under review, with discussions on alternative assessments and exam format revisions, for example, including open-ended questions to encourage deeper analysis and critical thinking beyond rote memorization.

By acknowledging these challenges and embracing innovative solutions, these exams can continue to play a vital role in ensuring physician competency in a rapidly changing healthcare world.

Get a Head Start on a Lifelong Journey

The future of healthcare demands continuous learning and adaptation. Board certification demonstrates your commitment to these values, positioning you as a leader in the field. But don't wait until after your residency to start preparing.

With C8Health, residents can find information quickly and easily, fostering independent learning and accelerating their path to proficiency. This reduces the need for constant supervision and one-on-one training from attending physicians, freeing up valuable time for residents and attendings.

It's a win-win. By streamlining workflows, physicians can focus on complex cases while residents gain the autonomy to learn effectively for their board exams. This translates to a stronger team that is better prepared to tackle the future of healthcare.