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3 Effective Knowledge Management Strategies for Your Business

Learn how to effectively navigate the maze of knowledge management in healthcare.

a man with a beard wearing a white shirt and tie
By Ido Zamberg, MD
Michelle Meyer editor profile pic
Edited by Michelle Meyer
a blue background with two white circles
Fact-check by C8 Staff

Updated June 13, 2024.

A person sitting at a table working on a laptop as AI and technology innovation makes patient care easier in healthcare.

In healthcare, every decision is important. That's why it's critical to have efficient knowledge management systems in place. However, hospitals, often at the forefront of medical innovation, face unique challenges when it comes to organizing, sharing, and implementing this knowledge.

In this blog, we'll dive into some of the most common hurdles faced by healthcare institutions and how to overcome them. We'll also explore the advantages and challenges of structured vs. unstructured knowledge-sharing approaches. Finally, we'll take a closer look at how technology, specifically the role played by C8 Health, is revolutionizing modern knowledge management strategies in healthcare.

» See how C8 Health can make life easier for your medical team.

Meet the Expert

Ido Zamberg M.D. is a board-certified physician (General Internal Medicine and Anesthesia), currently a Fellow at the Division of Experimental Medicine, McGill University Health Center, Montreal, Canada.

3 Effective Knowledge Management Strategies

  • Balance system-wide policies and department-specific protocols and procedures
  • Utilize the power of accessibility and visibility
  • Understand structured vs. unstructured knowledge sharing

1. Balance System-Wide Policies and Department-Specific Protocols and Procedures

One of the fundamental challenges in healthcare knowledge management is the balancing act between system-wide policies and department-specific protocols. This delicate dance can sometimes lead to contradictions and confusion.

Imagine a hospital network with multiple campuses, each with its own set of equipment, staff, and expertise. Implementing a uniform system policy across all these sites becomes a daunting task. For example, how do you standardize the treatment of a condition like atrial fibrillation across departments as diverse as the ER, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Anesthesiology, and Intensive Care?

The solution lies in effective coordination and alignment. While individual departments may have their unique approaches, finding common ground and standardizing care can significantly improve patient outcomes.

The same holds true for conditions like acute stroke, where a collaborative approach across various departments is critical for the quality of patient care. Transitioning from national recommendations to system-specific guidelines and then to department-specific protocols is undoubtedly challenging, but it's a vital step in achieving better outcomes for patients.

2. Utilize the Power of Accessibility and Visibility

It's incredibly important to make knowledge readily available in healthcare settings. Currently, valuable knowledge is often buried in various systems, making it difficult to standardize and unite strategies. A key solution here is accessibility.

Imagine if a groundbreaking checklist that reduced mortality from cardiac surgery by 35% in one hospital could be easily implemented across an entire network of 150 hospitals. Such a checklist and other information would have to be available in a centralized knowledge repository that's easily accessible from any device, meaning:

  • Information is no longer siloed, increasing the visibility of guidance across professions and hospital systems.
  • Healthcare providers can quickly search for and access necessary information through an intuitive interface, or even a personalized dashboard.
  • Patient care quality increases because healthcare providers can instantly consult protocols and contact information.
  • Training new medical staff becomes a streamlined process.
  • Information can be updated instantly, and all the users receive notifications.
  • Stakeholders have an overview of the entire health system and can consult analytics to get insights into knowledge resource utilization, adherence to guidelines, and outcomes.

By concentrating on these aspects, hospitals and healthcare systems can break down silos, improve access to knowledge, and ensure that evidence-based guidance is readily available and followed across the entire health system, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and more efficient operations.

3. Understand Structured vs. Unstructured Knowledge Sharing

In healthcare, understanding the dynamics of structured vs. unstructured knowledge sharing is crucial. These two approaches have distinct advantages and disadvantages that impact patient care and the overall effectiveness of a healthcare system.

Structured Knowledge Sharing:

Structured knowledge sharing revolves around formal communication channels and established protocols. It offers several advantages:

  • Standardized care: Protocols and guidelines provide a standardized and coordinated approach to patient care. They ensure that evidence-based practices are consistently followed, promoting patient safety and quality of care.
  • Clarity and consistency: Protocols offer clear and evidence-based instructions for various medical scenarios. This clarity minimizes ambiguity and ensures that healthcare decisions are rooted in the best available evidence.
  • Foundation for decision-making: While allowing room for clinical judgment, protocols serve as a solid foundation for healthcare decision-making. They provide a starting point for addressing common medical issues.

However, as discussed in the previous point, structured knowledge can become ineffective if it's scattered between different departments and servers. The information should be hosted on a central database for easy access and usability.

Unstructured Knowledge Sharing:

Unstructured knowledge sharing, often rooted in informal communication and personal experience, also plays a role in healthcare. It's important to consider both its advantages and challenges.


  • Informal expertise: Informal discussions among healthcare professionals can provide insights based on personal experiences and clinical judgment. This can be especially valuable in complex or unique cases where established protocols may not fully apply.
  • Strong bonds with colleagues: Verbal communication fosters collaboration and mentorship, thereby building stronger professional relationships.


  • Barriers to communication: Verbal communication in acute settings can be prone to misinterpretation and miscommunication, potentially leading to errors in patient care.
  • Time constraints: Finding the right person to consult in a busy healthcare environment can be time-consuming, potentially delaying critical decisions.
  • Lack of reproducibility: Unstructured knowledge sharing relies heavily on individual experiences, making it less reproducible and consistent across different healthcare providers.

To maximize its benefits and mitigate its limitations, healthcare organizations should strive for a balanced approach that combines structured protocols with opportunities for open communication and ongoing education. This way, healthcare providers can leverage the strengths of both structured and unstructured knowledge sharing to deliver the best possible care to their patients.

Technology's Role in Knowledge Management

Technology is a transformative force in the field of healthcare knowledge management, changing how healthcare professionals access and utilize information. Interestingly, technology adoption is slower than you might think with only 75% of US hospitals using electronic health record systems, and the UK and Australia only recently investing in digitizing healthcare services.

But consider these benefits technology holds for knowledge management:

  • Seamless collaboration: Centralized knowledge management systems create a common platform where healthcare professionals from diverse specialties can collaborate effortlessly, bridging the gap between departments.
  • Uniform access to best practices: Regardless of their role within the healthcare system, every professional gains access to best practices tailored to their specific responsibilities.
  • Efficient decision-making: When healthcare providers have immediate access to a centralized knowledge repository, they can make informed decisions swiftly.
  • Eliminating outdated information: Real-time updates continuously refresh the knowledge base, ensuring that healthcare professionals are always working with the most current and invaluable data.
  • Immediate access: Whether at a patient's bedside or in the operating room, healthcare providers can access critical information immediately.

C8 Health: The Knowledge Management Maestro

C8 Health offers a centralized knowledge management system tailor-made for healthcare settings. It's all about ensuring everyone has access to best practices based on their role and point of care.

"The outcome is real-time updates that eliminate the specter of outdated information, ensuring that everyone receives the most current and invaluable knowledge precisely when they need it. This directly translates into enhanced patient outcomes and improved decision-making."

In a world where knowledge is king, C8 Health ensures that every healthcare professional can wield that power efficiently, making a real difference in patient care.

Learn how anesthesiologist, Max Feinstein M.D., uses C8 Health for streamlined access to medical guidance

By having access to a centralized platform that consolidates data from different systems, healthcare providers can easily identify best practices and implement them across the network. This not only promotes standardization but also enables collaboration and knowledge sharing among hospitals, ultimately improving the quality of care provided.